The Uncanny X-Men #10

Marvel Comics

Written by Gail Simone

Art by Andrei Bressan

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: The young mutants face off against a new breed of sentinel.

Kurt has found a measure of peace that he didn’t think he would find anymore. A peace that comes from simply being of service in small ways. A peace being rewarded by those he has affected. At the same time, the young mutants fight for their lives against a new breed of sentinel and Jitter tries to save Deathdream using her powers.

Calico works to distract the sentinel animals from attacking the others while Ransom fights to save a friend. Wolverine and Jubilee arrive to help while Warden Corina fumes at not only the unsuccessful and ill-timed plan, but also the unintended consequences of the mutants being successful on national television for the world to see.

The Story: Simone continues to craft a wonderfully engaging story filled with great action and heart. I love the tonal shift between Kurt’s story and the teens. Kurt’s story is wonderfully aspirational and shows him finding some sense of peace within himself, while the story with the young mutants shows them finally finding something to care about and coming together to protect each other. I am impressed by this group of characters and how they work together and Simone leaves the story on an interesting cliffhanger that I am excited to see explored.

The Art: Bressan crafts beautifully detailed and visually dynamic art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of the story and how it captures the tone of the character’s journeys so well.

The Uncanny X-Men #10



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